June Newsletter
Message from AMY:
June is a very fun month for us! Waterplay, parks, picnics, crafts and exploring.
We have a lot of transitions going on this month. Many new faces in our classrooms. We have some employees returning. We are very excited to see them again.
I am working with the insurance company to get out HVAC units repaired or replaced. They were damaged, along with many other parts of the building, during the hail storm. I appreciate your patience during this process.
We will host doughnuts for daddy on June 16 starting at 3:30 until 4:30. All refreshments will be provided by Steele School.
*a quick note about parties: if you come to attend the party with your child, please remember that the children are expected to follow the rules of the classroom. 1. Keep yourself safe 2. Keep your things safe 3. Keep our things safe. This is in place for the safety of all the kids. They must be supervised at all times.
The half door. We have been working on a doorknob system (shout out to John Boudreaux) to slow down those kids who can reach and open this door. Running out of the half door and down the hallway is not safe. We ask that you not let your kids run in the hallways, including NOT letting them run out the door to the parking lot. Hold their hand or walk with them. Pick up times get very hectic and crowded in the parking lot. Remember to slow down.
The new sign-in/out system is still in the testing phases. The developers are working on the issues we are having and hopefully this will be available for all families mid-June.
The kindle located by the sign out book is not a toy. I have seen many kids who have picked it up to play with it while parents are not paying attention. This is a vital piece of equipment to our system we are installing. Please do not allow your child(ren) to touch or play with the kindle.
I have attached the summer schedule for the day campers and the school closure list for 2017-2018. Remember this calendar starts in August 2017.
All our classes will have frozen treats at the end of the week. A sign-up is posted in the classrooms.
I am happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to contact me or stop by my office to see me.
Infant 1
Can’t believe its June! During our summer months, we will continue to work on basic signs; more, drink, eat and all done. Please update your child’s clothes for summer clothes.
Annalise has adjusted well. She has come out of her shell and loves stories and her friends.
Charles is doing great. He loves looking out the big circle window.
Kennedy and Maggie are starting to enjoy solid foods and sitting at our big table.
Finn and Mateo are army crawling and crawling. They are so excited to be exploring new places on their own.
Abigail is doing amazing. She is starting to crawl.
Ryla is doing wonderful. She has mastered the army crawl. She is also visiting the infant 2 classroom.
Happy June!
Infant 2
June is here. Can’t believe it. During the summer months, we will continue to work on our basic signs; more, drink, eat, and all done. Avery is doing well and well will start visiting Toddler 1AL room soon.
Harper is starting to walk and she is excited about this new adventure.
Fiona and Justin are doing awesome. The have blossomed so much! We are excited to see what they have in store for us.
Cataleya and Sabine are fantastic. They are starting to let go of shelves and standing without support.
Remington is new to Infant 2 class. He is excited to meet all his new friends.
Toddler 1A
Welcome Summer! We will spend much of our time outside learning, exploring and discovering. Water play starts next week. Make sure your child has swimwear, towel and sunscreen. Water shoes are optional.
Please check your child’s cubby for clothes. It is warmer weather and many have outgrown them.
Toddler 1B
Summer time and the fun is just starting. I am so excited summer is here. We look forward to summer filled with fun and excitement. E will have water play every day. Please remember to bring swim wear, towel and sunscreen to be left here. Please label everything with your child’s name.
These kids are growing. Check the clothes they here, to make sure they have clothes for warmer weather and that fit
Toddler 2
Happy June!! Our water play begins next week. Please bring in swimwear, towel and sunscreen, and water bottle (to go home every day) all labeled with your child’s name. This summer we will play in our classroom in the new centers we create. We will do a lot of arts and crafts and have many fun hours outside playing and exploring These kids are growing. Check the clothes they here, to make sure they have clothes for warmer weather.
“Spring oh Spring where have you gone?” It is hard to believe that spring has already come to an end and summer is her. This month our class will be learning about “Sun Safety”. We will explore how to keep our bodies safe from the sun and why it is important to wear protection and drink lots of water.
Summer fun checklist:
- Water bottle (to be taken home every day)
- Swimwear or clothing for water play, to stay here every day.
- Water shoes or extras, in case theirs get wet.
- Towel
- Sunscreen
Parents please check your child’s cubby for clothing. Winter clothes should be taken home and Summer clothes brought in.
I can’t believe it is summer time! The kids have really enjoyed learning about planning seeds. They love watching our carrots, corn and sunflower seeds grow. We will be planting them in our class garden next week. The kids will help plant and care for our garden. We will start water play every day next week. Make sure your child has swimwear, towel, and sunscreen to be left at school. Water bottles can be sent every day, they must be taken home every day. We will frozen treat Friday’s, look for the sign-up sheet in our classroom.
We are excited to spend more time outside playing, exploring, and may arts and crafts.
Let the Summer begin. This month starts out quite busy and then mellows as we move into our summer routine.
Parents; Water play will be everyday (weather permitting) from 3 to 4. Please make sure your child has swimwear and towels to leave.
We also walk to Griffith State Park with the school age kids, usually on Fridays. We leave around 9:30 and return about 11:00, unless we picnic at the park.
Please bring in water bottles, labelled with your child’s name every day.
Frozen treat Thursday sign-up sheet is located on the door. Please sign up, if you would like.
Day Campers
Welcome back Day campers. We have a lot planned for the month of June. Show and tell, bikes, blades & boards and many new activities as well. Reminders; The kids need sunscreen, swimwear & towels and water bottles.
Please start collecting empty water / pop bottles for a craft coming up.
Frozen treat Thursday sign-up sheet is located on the door. Please sign up, if you would like.