July Newsletter
From Lana
Well the weather is really heating up and the kids are loving it. They are spending most of their days outdoors and they are wet a lot of the time.
FOOD PROGRAM: As many of your remember the teachers have been asking you to sign the application forms. Let me explain a bit about the program. It is the same as the free lunch program at public schools. We are reimbursed for the food we purchase depending upon the income of the family and the menu items we choose to serve. Some of the menu changes you will see are, much less processed food, hot dogs nuggets etc. More fresh fruit rather than canned and my favorite only whole grain bread products. There are some stringent guidelines and lots of paper work that goes along with this however I feel like it is worth it.
I appreciate your cooperation with this and all the other paperwork we continue to ask you for.
GOOGLE Maps: I have been told that our website has fallen from the first on the list to someplace lower; I have also gotten fewer calls that have come from the website. We are able to get our website back up to the top of the list with more reviews on Google maps. If you have a moment please go on and give us a review.
LATE PICK UP POLICY: As you all know we have offered a 15 minute buffer time at the end of the day for emergencies that may cause you to pick your child up late. I now need to clarify that policy. Once again this is for emergencies not to be used as a regular pick up time for you to utilize daily. We close at 5:30 and often when this happens routinely it causes us to run into paying staff overtime. This is not a practice we can maintain. We have in the past had to charge families for the extra time at the rate of $1.00 per minute or even deny this benefit to some. We would just ask that you comply with our closing time so the teachers may leave on time and enjoy their evening.
Infants: Ms. Paula
Welcome to July, we are still working on learning about farm animals and the sounds they make. In June we welcomed a new friend, named June she has adjusted beautifully and has new friends already. We are working very hard on developmental milestones. Liam is now taking steps on his own. Elias is walking everywhere. Shawna is working on crawling. Luke is using his fingertips to pick up small objects and has become quite vocal. Zoey is also taking steps by herself. We are still learning and practicing our signs “more” “eat” and “all done.” It is wonderful to see the babies sign back to me. Please remember to check your child’s cubby for extra light clothes it is getting hot now. Have a wonderful month.
Toddlers: Ms. Mariah
Hello July! This month we will continue to learn about different sea creatures. We will also continue to play in the water. Please check cubbies at the end of the day and take home everything that is in there. Also please send a package of wipes because of being outside so much we have run out. Have a great month and stay cool.
Intermediates: Ms. Krista
Wow, hard to believe we are more than half way through the year. It has been amazing to watch all the children grow and develop. Thank you for letting us be a part of your family. The kids are loving water play and fun in the sun! We will continue to do this during July. We will also be doing some crafts thet you can proudly display outside. Please make sure your child has sunscreen and extra clothes. Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Preschool: Ms Karen
Preschool has enjoyed the water play and the science experiments we’ve been working on. The paint “fireworks” project was lots of fun for the kids. We will be having a tricycle day out front. We will also be learning about the Native Americans.
Some of the children are running out of sunscreen and will need to bring more soon.
I have enjoyed being a part of your child’s day this summer.
Summer Day Camp: Ms. Andrea
The Summer Campers have really enjoyed our off-campus adventures. Here are a few changes in the July schedule:
July 9th Wheels and Helmets.
July 22nd Science Day with Mr.Harris
July 23rd Arvada Library / fountain
July 24th Puppet show
Stay tuned for details on Field Day plans. We will continue to do water play and power hour each afternoon
Much love, Ms. Andrea