February Newsletter
From Lana
Hello and welcome to February which tells me that spring is right around the corner. We still do have some weather ahead of us so remember to send warm clothes. We will be having classroom Valentine’s Day parties so watch for more information from your child’s teacher.
February 18th We will be closed for Presidents day.
REMINDER….. It is very important that you sign your child in and out each day. We had a fire drill today and there were 2 children who were not signed in. This would make it very difficult for us to account for each child if it were a real emergency.
Infants Melanie
February is already here, that means only one more month until spring arrives.
Indie and Nolan are starting to crawl, Ben loves to sit up and grab his own toys, Harlan is practicing sitting up, Alice loves tummy time play and trying to reach for toys, Emmitt loves looking at books.
It is so much fun for us to watch these children develop into toddlers. This month’s songs are;
I love you and 10 little hearts. This month’s signs are I love you and you.
Infant 2 Paula and Sarah
Welcome February! Our colors this month will be Pink, Red and White. Our shape will be heart. Signs for February are I love you, and Heart. Our infants are moving right along.
Eliza is now pulling herself up on shelves; Owen is really learning to talk a lot more. Ezra is now walking and talking; Rowan is also walking with confidence and talking more and more. Teddy is now taking a few steps with his friends. JD has mastered walking backwards and Ellie is now scooting across the floor. We will be having a valentine card exchange if your child has a valentine book we would love to share it. Please check your child’s cubby for extra warm clothes.
Toddlers Miranda and Vie
Hello February! Everett is doing great in the toddler room and loving it. This month we will be talking about friendship and friends. We will work on recognizing the color red and pink. We will celebrate 3 birthdays this month,
Happy Birthday to Nicolas, Travion and Townes.
Intermediate Pimporn
Even though February is the shortest month of the year we have much going on! We begin the month with Chinese New Year, the year of the monkey. We will be learning about Chinese New Year celebrations. Then we have a celebration planned for Valentine’s day. Our valentine curriculum will feature many art explorations using theme colors and heart shapes to decorate our classroom. Remember appropriate clothes for the weather. Happy February.
Preschool Lindsey and Hadia
This month we will be learning more about how to make Max the caterpillar GROW! Oh, have you met Max the caterpillar? We help Max grow in many ways. Being big helpers, keeping our friends safe, making good choices, being respectful listeners, and so much more! This month we will be talking about FRIENDSHIP and DENTAL HEALTH. Parents please remember to send appropriate clothes for us to play outside. Be sure to say hello to Hadia our new teacher, the kids love her.
Pre-K Andrea
February = Friendship. We will continue working on ways to deal with our feelings and talk about how our friends feel when we hurt their feelings.
This month will be spent discussing community helpers and how they help us. Our Valentine party will be on Wednesday the 10th. Our class will be exchanging Valentines (one for each student 12 in all) and bringing in a treat or healthy snack to share.
Don’t forget! Now is the time to enroll for Kindergarten