April Newsletter
From Lana
Spring seems to have sprung, and are we ever happy about that. The kids are so happy to be spending so much time outside. April is always an exciting month, the children are so happy to see things turning green and growing.
Lots of families are planning vacations so just a reminder, you need to let me know in writing when you will be out so you do not get charged for the time. If you are unsure about having vacation time left feel free to call me.
This is the time when we will be working on transitioning children to older classrooms, as you know we do this very gradually and at the children’s comfort level. Teachers may be speaking to you about your child. Feel free to come talk to me too if you feel you need to.
As we grow so grows our staff. We have a new teacher. Her name is Nicholle Hamilton. She will float until she gets to know all of us so feel free to introduce yourself if you see a new and friendly face.
Summer is right around the corner. Please let me know if you have older children who will need to attend this summer, or if your child will be out this summer. Our summer day camp for older children fills up fast so don’t wait too long.
Infants Ms. Melanie Ms. Sarah
April is here and the flowers are starting to bloom. Cassie is starting to push herself backwards, Ezra is starting to sit up and loves to watch the other babies. Everett is trying to pull himself up into the sitting position. J.D. is doing much better and ready to come and learn and play with his friends full time.We will welcome 2 new friends this month, Asante and Lynsey. Songs of the month are “Little bunny foo-foo” and “You are my sunshine” Signs for the month are bunny and sun.
Infant ll Ms Paula
Welcome to April, lots of fun things we will be doing. Welcome to new infants who will be transitioning into our room. Our colors for the month are pink, blue and yellow. The shape for the month is oval. Our signs are spring, and flowers.
Angelo and Zadie will have birthdays and be one this month. Angelo is working on taking steps and getting lots of teeth. Zadie is doing great at sign language and playing ball. Rowan is really having fun being in Infant ll and enjoying the more interactive children. Townes will be visiting the toddler room and may be ready to move up soon, he is really walking well.
Please have your child bring in a spring book to share at circle time. Please check to see if your child needs to update spare clothes they may have outgrown. If any families have spare crib sheets we would appreciate the donations, we sure change them often.
Toddlers Ms Francine, Ms. Vie , and Ms. Moya
Spring has sprung and we are excited to see all the new things growing outside! We have discovered small sprouts and new grass along with our beans beginning to get roots in our window garden. We are excited about April and having more fun in the sun. We will be learning about colors and animals in Eric Carle’s books. We will also focus on what we find in a garden. We also hope to add a classroom garden by planting seeds. Have a wonderful Easter everyone.
Intermediates Ms. Vella
We are ready to spring into spring. We will continue to talk about recycling and reusing. We will be observing and talking about all things growing like flowers, plants and trees. We will be planting flowers and watching the grow. If you have not already done it remember to send sunscreen for your child labeled with their name.
Preschool Ms. Krista and Ms Deborah
Yea Spring is here! These kids are getting bigger and smarter every day. We have been working on our month of the year song, days of the week song and singing and signing our ABC’s. This month we will continue doing those songs and work on counting to 30, we will also be learning about Spring and all the wonderful things it brings. We planted our green beans early last month and they are growing so big. The children are fascinated by the whole growth process. As we are spending more time outside please make sure your child has sunscreen marked with his/her name. Please take some time to update your child’s spare clothes as we may get messy from time to time. Thank you all for letting your children bless our lives every day.
Prekindergarten Ms. Andrea
We have almost make it through our vowels. Have you noticed how well we can recognize and read words! During the month of April our class will be discussing “Our Earth” and how we an care for it. (From growing plant to things that swim in the sea and to the air we breathe.) With the help of Clean up Kangaroo we will be discussing “Earth Day” April 22 and how we can do our part.
Repurpose, Reduce, and Recycle.