August Newsletter
From Lana
Well the summer has flown past us and we find ourselves heading back to school. Lots going on this time of year so lots to share.
SCHOOL CLOSURE: First I feel I must apologize for our unexpected closure on the 21st of July. We had no way of knowing about the tree that had fallen, closing the street and causing us to lose power. When I arrived at 6:30 am I had the closure posted on our website and face book, although I realize no one checks the website before you bring your child to school, I was unable to even enter the building to make calls or access the email addresses to contact you. I thank you all for your patience and believe that this is the kind of thing that may never happen again. It does bring up another point however; this is a good reminder to make everyone aware of our closure policy. — When the school is forced to close due to weather or an unseen natural disaster it is still a paid tuition day for parents. —In the event of a snow day, remember that if Jeffco public schools are closed we are also closed. We will post on the website for those days.
–On August 14th and 15th we will be closed for our annual training and planning days. These days are NOT paid tuition days since they are on our yearly calendar and it is our choice to close. So you may adjust your tuition for those days. If you are unsure as to how to do that you may feel free to call me with questions.
FALL CLASS LISTS: Many parents have asked when children will be moved from one group to the next. The older children 3-5 years of age will be moved in the fall. The week after Labor Day. For the infants and toddlers, as you know we move them developmentally when they are ready.
FOOD PROGRAM: Well as so often happens we were in the final stages of being certified for the food program and the income guideline have changed. What this means is that we have to complete the income guideline forms again. I will transfer the information to the new forms and have the teachers just get your signature. We have however already started serving the new menu so that is good news. Turns out the children have not even once refused the whole grain or the NON-processed foods we have changed to!!
RE ENROLLMENT: As you know September is the time when we re enroll children. In the past you were asked to complete a new packet, this feels like a waste of paper and time. What I would request instead is that you take a moment to think about changes you may wish to add. Maybe new pick up people, new job or phone number, etc. The annual $100.00 registration fee will be due during the month of September as well as new school supplies.
Infants: Ms. Paula
Our babies are growing quickly, in the next month we will be making choices as to who is ready to move on to the toddler classroom. We will be talking with you about it and as usual making slow gentle transitions.
Elias, Liam, June and Zoey are walking/running and having a great time. Shawna is now crawling and feeling pretty good about it. Luke is so close it will be any day now. Our friend Everett is back after spending the summer at home with mom. He acts like he never left. We will continue to work on developmental milestones.
Toddlers: Ms. Mariah & Ms. Moya
WOW it really is August already! This month we will be finishing up our water play and summer of sea creatures. We will be doing some freshening up of our school and sending home items that we no longer need, this means some art masterpieces, so please keep checking their cubbies. We will be enjoying one more month of great outdoor play so make sure your child has sunscreen. September will be lots of more structured learning experiences, but for now just lots of fun.
Intermediates: Ms.Krista
What a great summer it has been so far. We intend to take advantage of every bit of it so please be sure your child has sunscreen because we will play outside as much as possible. August will be spent with lots of fresh air and we will take advantage of this time to repeat the children’s favorite activities since we all know Colorado hold in store a long winter and too much indoor time.
We have enjoyed this our first full year at our new school and look forward to more fun yet to come.
Summer Day Camp: Ms. Andrea
Well we are coming to the end of a great summer. The students and I have really enjoyed all our activities and trips. We will all be looking forward to doing this again next summer and are in hopes of seeing these kids together again for winter break as well.
These next few weeks will be filled with doing more water play and taking advantage of this time to repeat some of their favorite projects and activities.
Thank you all for sharing your children with me this summer, it has been truly enjoyable.