June Newsletter
From Lana
Well summer is finally here. We are enrolling a lot of new children and we are thankful to all of you who have shared your good experience here with others.
The Day Campers are off to a great start of the summer with a lot of fun activities already in progress. They will be going to the park to picnic and play every Friday and Monday, no need to pack lunches we will do that. Please check your calendar for other trips, since some require cash, we do not want to leave anyone out.
All children will need a swim suit, towel, sunscreen and a sun hat for water play every day. As well as having lots of fun we will also be doing POWER HOUR every day. This is our way of keeping skills fresh and ready for the fall when we start back to our regular structured program.
Friday June 13, 2014: We will celebrate our fathers, so plan to have Daddy pick the kids up on that day. We will be grilling in the parking lot and spending some time just enjoying the company of some great Dads.
Please join us in welcoming two new staff members.
Karen Cribari comes to us from Jefferson County schools where she has gained lots of experience with preschool and elementary aged children, she is doing a great job and the kids have really taken to her.
Jake Chase is a high school senior who has enough energy to keep up with the day campers. He is a great influence on the kids and they are enjoying him as well. Both will be with us through the summer then return to their regular schools.
Food Program We are in the process of being approved for the USDA food program. This program will allow us to be reimbursed a small amount for each meal served. Due to the regulations around this program we will have some very positive improvements to the menu and the food items we serve, such as only whole grain products, much less processed foods. We will be sending out forms for each parent to sign, I would appreciate it if you could complete those promptly since the paperwork I am doing for this is pretty intense. If you have questions please feel free to call or catch me and I can explain the program more fully.
Infants: Ms. Paula
Hello summer, we are doing wonderful working on our developmental milestones. Elias is now taking more steps every day and now stacking more blocks and throwing a ball like a pro. Liam is following Elias in taking steps with his friend. Jaxson is now crawling and standing up a lot more soon he will be walking around with his buddies. Luke is now sitting up with no help or pillow behind him and is getting so strong. Shawna is getting so vocal and using her fingertips to pick up small objects.
We welcome a new friend and say bye to another. Everett is enjoying the summer at home with his mommy so we will see a new bigger Everett in the fall. Zoey is our new friend who started this week. She is a happy little girl who has adjusted very quickly.
This month we are working on two familiar signs Eat and All done. The infants are really getting it. We are also still doing our animal sounds SO CUTE. Please have your child bring a photo of your pet, and a book about animals. The babies are really enjoying books now. Remember to check your child’s cubby for extra clothes it seems we grow out of spare clothes so quickly.
Let’s not forget HAPPY FATHERS DAY June 15
Toddlers: Ms. Mariah and Ms. Krista and Ms. Moya and Ms. Vie
Welcome to summer 2014. We had a great celebration last month with our patriotic theme. As the summer months roll in we look forward to fun play and lots of outdoor activities like water play, bubbles, watching the rolly pollys and butterflies and paying with our friends. Our theme will be UNDER THE SEA, as we learn and explore sea creatures.
Please bring Swimming suits, sunscreen, sun hat, a towel and some wipes so we are prepared for summer. Make sure to label all items with your child’s name. Remember to read your child’s daily sheet so you know what we are doing and what they need. Thank you and have a wonderful month.
Preschool: Ms. Krista
Hi, I’m Krista Neues and I will be with the preschool class this summer. I’m so excited for my favorite season of the year.
We will be playing outside as much as possible. We will also be playing in the water, doing fun outside science experiments and some yummy summer cooking.
We will also be having POWER HOUR. Without wasting a lot of summer fun time we will plan an hour per day of activities and fun games to keep preschoolers fresh with their skills they have acquired over the winter so they can pick it right back up in the fall with Ms. Andrea.
Please make sure your child has a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, hat and wipes and an extra pair of clothes, since they seem to keep growing out of spare clothes. It would be greatly appreciated if you would label all their belongings with their name.
Ready Set Fun!!
Day Camp: Ms. Andrea
Welcome summer! We are excited to start off a fun summer. We will be going to the park every Monday and Friday so we will need sunscreen and sun hats. The other days we will have water play so we will all need a swim suit, towel and a box of wet wipes. I am happy to have Karen and Jake to help out this summer. Remember we will be doing POWER HOUR to keep skills fresh for a great start back to school this fall. If there are some special skills you feel your child should be working on this summer please let me know so I can plan for that. Enjoy your summer!