March Newsletter
From Lana
Welcome spring, I know a lot of children who are more than ready for some warmer weather and lots more outdoor time.
Here’s what’s going on at Steele School:
- We are in the process of opening a new toddler room. It will double our capacity for one and 2-year-olds. We will be starting work on it just as soon as I can get one more approval.
- March is the month we start planning our summer camp. At this time, we will accept only 15 kids for the summer program and we are filling up fast. Now is the time to call me if you are looking for summer care for your older kids. 6 to 12 years old.
- A safety reminder, please hold your child’s hand when walking in the parking lot. I have seen more and more children dart out the door and run into the parking lot without parents.
- ALSO when driving into the parking lot please drive slowly.
Infants Melanie & Gladys
March is here and spring is so close. Yay! Indie is moving to the infant 2 room. She already enjoys visiting. Nolan loves interacting with all his friends. Ben likes looking at books. Harlan loves watching bubbles and looking at books. Alice is trying to figure out how to crawl. Emmitt is having a lot of fun with all his new friends. This month’s songs are “Rain drops” and “row, row, row your boat”. The signs for the month are “rain and boat”. Gladys has settled in nicely and the children love her positive presence and loving nature.
Welcome our new friend Adrian.
Infants Paula
Welcome to March. Our shape will be clover and colors will be green and yellow. Our babies are doing very well on the signs so this month we will continue to review the signs we all know. Eliza is working hard on walking. Owen is now repeating many words. Rowen, Ezra and JD have been visiting the toddler room doing very well. Teddy is a proud walker and getting better at it every day, Indie will soon join us soon in Infant 2. Parents: please check your child’s cubby for notes.
Toddlers Vie and Sarah
Welcome to March!! This month is a fun filled month of busy activities. We will talk about health, body awareness, hygene and self care. We will also celebrate Dr. Suess’ birthday on the 2nd.
With weather changes, we ask that you still provide jackets.
Intermediate Pimporn and Miranda
With the days getting longer and springtime just around the corner, we leap into March. Our units of study this month are Dr. Seuss, health, self-care and Easter. On Wednesday the 2nd, we will celebrate DrSeuss’ birthday. If you have books by Dr Seuss please bring them in to share. Looking forward we will all wear green to celebrate St. Patric’s Day on March 17th. Have a great month.
Preschool Lindsey and Krista
Welcome to March! This month we are excited to learn about Dr. Seuss, Women’s history month and Spring! Please continue to send appropriate clothes for your child because we always love to play outside as weather permits. Also, our students have a lot of art work and other items they like to share with those at home, so feel free to send a backpack or bag everyday with them. Some of our students bring a water bottle each day to drink from throughout the day, feel free to send one with your child; these will be sent home each night to be cleaned. Welcome our new friend Slade.
Pre-Kindergarten Andrea and Hadia
We are loving the longer days and warmer weather! During the month of March our class will be focusing on healthy bodies, keeping our bodies clean, healthy foods, brushing teeth, parts of the body and how they function.
We are continuing dealing with certain emotions and how to handle them: anxiety, anticipation, and frustration.
We would like to welcome a new student Dyami to our class.