May Newsletter
From Lana:
Well May has certainly gotten off to a wet start. However we are still finding every opportunity to get outside and play. As we move into spring we will begin to get less structure in our lesson planning. As you know our summers are filled with keeping refreshed on our basic skills for school but mostly playing. Our summer camp will be starting on May 26. Summer camp will look a lot like last summer. We will be spending Mondays and Fridays at the park picnicking and playing. Other field trips will include a trip to Beau Joes for Pizza, Big fun for some bouncy fun, and Home Depot will be visiting us here to make a Father’s Day gifts with the children. We only accept limited numbers of children so be sure that you have contacted Lana or Amy to be sure your child is included. Summer camp is open to children Kindergarten age and older. 3 and young 4 year olds will not be included in the trips away from the center.
By now I am sure you have all noticed that I have been away from the center for a few days. I finally had the surgery I have been waiting for and I am doing just fine. Thank you to all of you who have asked and sent best wishes. I am working from home and checking email and staying in touch with Amy daily so we feel like we are still on top of everything. Please feel free to email me with whatever you need.
Let me say a quick thank you to Amy and all the staff for being the kind of people who allow me to relax and know that the children are well taken care of.
REMINDER Please return physical and shot records requested by May 15,2015
Infants Melanie & Sarah
Our Baby world is getting so busy…. Can’t believe it is May! Our signs for this month are rain and sun. Our songs are “raindrops” and “You are my sunshine”. Everett is getting so big he loves interacting and playing with his friends. JD is also growing so fast he is now sitting up and can almost roll over every time. Asante loves having stories read to her. Lynsey loves being sung to and story time.
Infants Paula
Hello May, this month is all about spring and flowers. Our colors for the month are purple, yellow and green. Zadie loves our big windows and loves to watch and wave to everyone that comes in. Rowan is growing so fast and loves story time, he gets so excited when we read. Cassie is on the move now!! She is so happy that she can go places and takes full advantage of her mobility. Ezra loves to give hugs to his friends and has become quite a flirt with staff, he also loves story time.
Toddlers Ms Francine & Ms Vie
This past month we have focused on nature and spring time. The toddlers became interested in bugs and flowers. We will continue to foster their interests in what is going on outside by; planting flowers, grass seeds and continuing our weather watch. With Mother’s Day and the warm weather coming, we hope you have a wonderful month of May.
Early Preschool Ms Vella
Welcome May. The children love all the outdoor time we can get. May will be all about Mothers and family. We will talk about our Moms and other family members. We will be drawing and painting pictures of our families. Please bring a picture of your family members for us to keep here at the center to look at and discuss. Enjoy the season.
Preschool Ms Krista & Ms Deborah
The children have had so much fun learning about spring weather, animals, and plants. We will be extending this theme through May. We will be doing more planting and learning more about the baby animals being born. These wonderful children are growing every day, in every way.
Please check your child’s cubby for notes about what the children may need such as sunscreen or extra clothes.
Pre-kindergarten Ms Andrea
We are in the home stretch of the school year. This will be the last month for some of our friends. We have had an amazing year, learning and growing together. We are excited for some of our friends to move on to Kindergarten. Congratulations: Brooklyn, Hunter, Lucas, Ethan, Cody, Zeriah, Jamie, and Kearianna.
Many will remain for the summer and we are all looking forward to having some sunny summer fun.
It has been such an honor and pleasure to be their teacher. Blessings on your continued Journey.