February Newsletter
From Lana:
February already. Spring will be here before we know it.
A few reminders:
- Please remember to sign your child in and out each day with your FULL signature.
- Holiday February 16 Presidents day No School
Thank you to all of you for your kind wishes for me when I was out on medical leave.
We welcome Vella Gallegos to our team. She will be leading a preschool group. She comes with a great deal of experience and education.
Here is what is happening in the classrooms.
Infants Ms. Melanie
February is already here and spring is right around the corner. Cassie is becoming very verbal and loves to roll. Ezra is starting to hold his own bottle. Keelan loves to flirt and talk. Rowan puts his arms up when he wants to be held. Everett is loving his new classroom and getting to know all his new friends. This month’s songs are I Love you and Oh Valentine.
This month’s sign is I Love You.
Infant ll Ms. Paula
Welcome February, as every day goes by the babies are learning more and more. William has started his transition to the Toddler room and he loves it. William has also mastered walking backwards and is always a gentleman to his friends and teachers. Townes is on his was to walking and loves to stack blocks and enjoys the see n say. Angelo is now pulling up and learning more balance also loves to growl at us, that’s his communication, so cute. Travion is now walking; he also enjoys flashcards and rolling a ball to his friends. Zadie has made lots of new friends, she loves circle time and puppets and also the see n say we repeat the sounds we hear the animals say and she laughs every time. This month we will be learning in sign heart, and love. Our colors are red, pink and purple and the shape of a heart.
If your child or you have a book you would like to share for valentine’s day please send it in for our circle time. Remember to check your child’s cubby for clothes and other items. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!
Toddlers Ms. Francine and Ms. Vie
Toddlers are enjoying having some warm weather to play outside together. We are excited about a new month and will be learning all about friendship, feelings and love! We will also celebrate pets you are welcome to send a photo of your pet for your child to show. If you would like to send valentines for Valentine’s Day you may. We would also welcome healthy treats to share for 10 students. Have a wonderful February.
Good luck to Theo and Diego who are transitioning to the intermediate classroom. We will miss you.
We welcome William who is joining us from the Infant room; he is having a great time and doing well keeping up with us.
Preschool Ms Deborah and Ms Vella
February is here we have many exciting things to learn and experience. Our theme for the month will be friendship. We will be finding ways to show kindness to our friends and play cooperatively with our classmates. We will also be reading lots of books on kindness, friendship and sharing to reinforce our theme. We are planning a valentine’s party details will be posted on our parent board. Thanks to so many of you who donated clothes, we also welcome Ms. Vella to our classroom we are lucky to have her. Welcome to Theo and Diego they are doing great transitioning from the toddler room.
Preschool ll Ms. Krista
Welcome to February! 2015 is off to a great start. The preschool class has adjusted very well to our new classroom. We still love playing outside every chance we get. This month we will be learning about friendship. How to be a good friend, how to show our friends we care. We will also be doing some fun cooking projects. We will be having a Valentine’s Day party on Friday the 13th, from 3:30 to 4:30. A sign will be posted in the classroom soon. If you would like to bring valentines please send them in with your child’s name on the back and leave the envelope blank so your child can distribute them. Parents are welcome to join us. As usual remember coats so we can be outside and check your child’s cubby every day.
Pre-K Ms. Andrea
It is so great to be blessed with a school so full of LOVE!. February is for friendship and feelings. Friday February 13th will be our valentine’s party. Please have your child bring in at least 15 valentines signed with their name and a special treat to share with the class. February is also the time enroll in Kindergarten. If you are interested in joining us in the fall for our Kindergarten class please let us know right away.
If you have any questions please see Ms. Lana or Ms. Amy.
Love to you all!